Budget with Back in Black

This app was reviewed in a head-to-head Tap! Twin Test with BudgetBook. Search for BudgetBook to see how it compares.

Setting up a budgetrnrnSetting up budgets in Back in Black is simple. Just tap on the Spending section, select from the categories (or create custom ones) and decide on a budget. This can vary from month to month, and each category can have a name and icon – there’s a wide range of icons to choose from.rnrnSetting goalsrnrnBudgeting is often done as a method of achieving a financial goal, and Back in Black includes a section designed to help you store and track goals. You can create goals quickly, using a wide range of presets with either a set monthly amount or a total.rnrnRecording expensesrnrnEnsuring you record every expense is vital for accurate budgeting, and Back in Black includes a quick New Purchase button on its default screen.

Purchases are allocated to categories using simple icons, and the whole process is very fast. And, because it’s on iPhone, you’re likely to have the app with your whenever you make a purchase.rnrnMonitoring your budgetrnrnBack in Black’s main screen gives you a very simply overview of how much you’ve budgeted, with a bar showing how much you’ve spent. You can then drill down into your spending, where you can see how much you’ve spent versus the budget for each category. It’s simple, but effective.


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