LaunchBar is essentially “Spotlight Pro”, enabling you to search your Mac and perform actions on found objects. This update sees a larger, more readable default theme aesthetically matching rival Alfred, and the OS X Yosemite Spotlight revamp. But the strengths aren’t only skin-deep. Along with improved file indexing, more rules exist, providing access to Reminders lists, Emoji, Finder tags, plus Safari’s iCloud tabs, Top Sites and Reading List. The Reminders functionality is strong, too. The other big win is in the new live results. These occur as you add to Calendar and Reminders, but also when searching Google and Wikipedia, which means you can spend more time in the app.
Alfred still has the edge over this app on usability, but LaunchBar remains faster and is excellent for category-oriented searches. And both obliterate Spotlight.
The bottom line. An excellent update to what was already a first-rate OS X utility, adding some great new features and welcome extensibility.
LaunchBar 6

- app launcher
- file manager
- search tool
Objective Development OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit Mac
- Great new look and features. Fabulous Reminders integration. New custom actions.
- A touch fiddly at times.