Bike Headlight Cygolite Metro 360

It’s super bright and can run for two hours on its highest setting, putting your safety on the road first. It has a number of other safety features, too, that can make you more visible to cars.

Our writer Eve O’Neill sung the praises of the Cygolite Metro 360 in her review earlier this year—so far, it’s beat out more than 70 competitors. The best part? It’s inexpensive, costing only $50, one of the cheapest designs we tested out. For biking around a college campus, or for your kid who wants to bike to and from school, it’s the best option out there. It’s super bright and can run for two hours on the highest setting, meaning you’ll always be visible on the road.

The Cygolite sports a great collection of safety features, most notably its Steadypulse mode that alerts cars to your presence by simultaneously projecting a beam on the road ahead for vision and flashing every few seconds to alert cars to your presence. It’s one of the few lights we found during our research that has this feature, and by far the best and cheapest. During the day, its Dayflash mode will blink brightly to serve the same purpose. It also has a solidly constructed quick-release mount that lets you stow it away to prevent theft.
Bike Headlight Cygolite Metro 360



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