News and opinion Today.
“Imprisoned” by Geography, Tribe Eludes Change

Oceania's Vanuatu, formerly the New Hebrides, is an 80-island nation without traffic lights, street postal service, or even a McDonalds. What it lacks in 21st-century amenities, it makes up for ...
Dogs of War: Inside the U.S. Military’s Canine Corps

As the focus in Iraq begins to shift from fighting to rebuilding, international groups are calling for environmental fixes to be part of the overall plan. "When a country needs a great deal of ...
Bengal tiger at the Baghdad zoo full play

U.S. veterinary teams and animal welfare workers are poised to go to the aid of the zoo animals left in Baghdad as soon as travel restrictions are lifted. "Not a lot is known about the status ...
Atlantic coast hurricane season

At midday the barrier island in Vero Beach has the weird feel of a place quickly and angrily abandoned. Poking around debris-lined streets among spray-painted signs all denigrating a certain Jeanne, ...
Italian Court Ruling on Erogenous Zones Amounts to a Cold Shower for Latin Love