The TexereSilk Venice (women’s) and Milano (men’s) robes were our favorite after testing—the robes were silky to the touch but remained good at wicking water (without becoming heavy).
After testing three robes—and eliminating many more—the best robes for your college experience and your life, barring Hugh Hefner levels of obscene wealth, are the $54 Best Women’s Bathrobe TexereSilk Venice (women’s) and Milano (men’s) Terry Cloth Robes. The best robe needs to be warm and soft without sacrificing drying power, and it should be long enough to cover you up without overheating. Robes are, at their core, a luxury product, but the Venice and Milano do a good job of providing a luxurious experience without robbing you blind.
The Venice and Milano are 70 percent viscose and 30 percent terry cotton. The robes feel silky-smooth to the touch and are good at wicking away water without becoming heavy, so you’ll be fresh and dry soon after your shower’s finished. The insides of the Venice and Milano robes don’t have the rough texture you’ll find on some cotton towels, and the tufted pile trim around the neckline and arms feels soft and cozy.
I tested two other robes that scored very well on Amazon, and they straddled the line between “too cheap” and “really only belongs in a spa:” another Best Women’s Bathrobe TexereSilk robe, the Ecovaganza, and the Soft Touch Linen Pure Turkish Cotton robe. Neither were as soft or absorbent. Without a soft neckline trim, the rough material sometimes irritated skin. The Soft Touch does have a hood, which some reviewers say is great for cold mornings, but it shed little strips of cotton all over my bedroom, and the lining was rough and poorly absorbent. The Ecovaganza has the same basic construction (70 percent viscose/30 percent terry cotton) as the Venice and Milano, but it feels a little rougher on the skin and has a little more heft and weight to it, whereas the Venice and Milano robes feel lighter and airier.
Origin THeWirecutter
Yes! I think this Bathrobes For Women the best